Monday, June 16

quick update.. no purchases for a few weeks!

well for the next week ima be really busy, and im also doing a no buy for about a month T_T... but im doing it bc i need 2 save up for some of the early fall collections, and im gonna b sorting thru all my old makeup and make room for new makeup... i havent mentioned yet... but i have this new found obsession with 5g jars.. and pigment samples, i dont do wild crazy eye looks so samples last me an uber long time and i love having all ur jars lined up 100+ of them with the cute colors.. so thats what im saving for, and ill be ordering most of the colors from the she space.. and well see how it goes.. bc i also have 2 order 100 or so 5g jars from coastal scents... so thats kinda why im on a makeup diet, im sving for that. not 2 mention im sorting all my old brushes and am gonna get rid of the ones i dont use and buy new ones, so yea... i have 2 cut back for awhile...

so instead ill pry post about the items i use in my "kit" like most used shadows, and mascara, liner, concealer etc... the things i already have but have yet 2 do a review on.. also ill pry b posting about random things, like the bath bombs and cooking things ive found( bc i have alot of other hobbies aside of makeup:P) so ill be filling in with that stuff until istart back 2 buying lol.. wish me luck on my no buy!!