Wednesday, June 11

eyes without contacts and partail note about define a lash

haha, well u can see the crease under my eye from mascara... anyways, heres the pics of my eyecolor as is, no colored contacts, or contact enhancers... and i hadnt been crying earlier or anything, my eyes r just glassy like that .. so thats that ,, but i thought this was good 2 show, bc im wearing the define a lash tht i did a review on, and as u can see, it doesnt lengthen alot, on account that thats prety close 2 how my lashes look without, but.. after being out in the florida humidity, no it didnt leave marks on my lid but it settled down in the little crease part under ur bottom lash line, which i hate, but i think maybe if i woulda done a touch up earlier it woulda stopped it, idk tho, so im still iffy about this mascara