Monday, July 7

IM BACK!!!!! well... almost

hey yall i know its been awhile.. but alot has been happening with family, but ill b back within a week, since my g-gmas open heart surgery is in a week so depending on how that goes i should b back.. and just maybe i might end my no buy early!!! idk yet tho... BUT i am heading 2 forever 21 to buy some cute new ill post pics of what i get when i go :P much luvs and i hope everyone is doing well. bye bye :)

Friday, June 20

lemming but i cant have it until mid july

ok im so lemming this, but it wont b available until mid juy, oh well, until then ima come up with all my online orders... and then on that week i order from them, i thnk ima just have abig blowout and celebrate with coming off my no buy period :P so woot the saving begins >_>

ill b having a shespace order
coastal scents order
clinique haul
and possibly a drugstore haul of like loreal and such
shiseido haul.

and whatever else i see since new collections wll b coming out :) bye yall... i wont b here much this week, alot of family thigns going on, my great gma is having surgery on the 25th and its complicated, family is all flying in so yea, busy week :/

Tuesday, June 17

going 2 the eye dr tomorrow

well my eye sight hasnt been 2 good... i cant see things my mother can see...which is bad... in the 4th grade i was given reading glasses in the lowest strength, im near-sighted in one eye and far-sighted in the other . i never ever wore those... oh well... so tomorrow ima go get a pair of " hold me overs" until i buy the D&G glass frames .. oh well ill report back tomorrow and see what glasses i get :P

oof i hate eye tests bc they blow that air in ur eye -_-

SURVEY!, top products in fashion and beauty catagories >_>

well sorry i cant post pics of my own stuff 2 often, i dont have a camera, so i have 2 wait til someone else is over and take advantage :P

anyways..this is a poll about ur fav products in each catagory and why.. heres mine!

Hair:mmm, id say my goody wooden handles boar and plastic mix bristle round brush $7.99 @ walmart why? bc it brushes my hair, plus smoothes it, so u get soft bouncy waves

Skin: Queen helene mint julip mask $4 @CVS why? bc if i ever have a blemish or a spot thats red and i know ill become a blemish, i put a spot of it on my blemish at night and its gone if not almost gone by the morning

Makeup: everday minerals in medium tan $12 @ why? bc during the summer since its so hot and humid in FL u tend 2 sweat more ad produce more oil and with this foundation, it absorbs that oil and makes ur makeup look even better lol

Accessories: my bow headbands, omg so girly and cute, but without being over the top, i usually find mine at ulta and claires and theyre about 5 ea but claires is always doing a BOGO

the pics ive been meaning 2 post, but put it off and forgot :P

so there u go, thats all the things that have been changed in my room >_>

Monday, June 16

quick update.. no purchases for a few weeks!

well for the next week ima be really busy, and im also doing a no buy for about a month T_T... but im doing it bc i need 2 save up for some of the early fall collections, and im gonna b sorting thru all my old makeup and make room for new makeup... i havent mentioned yet... but i have this new found obsession with 5g jars.. and pigment samples, i dont do wild crazy eye looks so samples last me an uber long time and i love having all ur jars lined up 100+ of them with the cute colors.. so thats what im saving for, and ill be ordering most of the colors from the she space.. and well see how it goes.. bc i also have 2 order 100 or so 5g jars from coastal scents... so thats kinda why im on a makeup diet, im sving for that. not 2 mention im sorting all my old brushes and am gonna get rid of the ones i dont use and buy new ones, so yea... i have 2 cut back for awhile...

so instead ill pry post about the items i use in my "kit" like most used shadows, and mascara, liner, concealer etc... the things i already have but have yet 2 do a review on.. also ill pry b posting about random things, like the bath bombs and cooking things ive found( bc i have alot of other hobbies aside of makeup:P) so ill be filling in with that stuff until istart back 2 buying lol.. wish me luck on my no buy!!

Saturday, June 14

theshespace order! im lemming and will b ordering soon !

click the pic 2 view full size !